Election Integrity, Access, and Security
SASS Lunch | Thursday | Oct. 10th | 12 - 1 PM | Location TBA | Lunch Provided | Free | More Info + Sign-Up Required
The Science of Analyzing Elections
Tuesday | September 22nd | 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM | Crellin 151
ACT Award
UG or G | Solo or Pairs | up to $4,500 | Explore an issue as a volunteer or trainee | More Info + Applications due by Noon, Oct. 28th
Hummel Gray Award
UG or G | up to $1,000 National, $6,000 International | Go to conferences, present, gain leadership | More Info + Applications due by Noon, Oct. 28th
Beckman Political Award
UG or G | up to $6,000 | Explore elective government, policy, or the legislative process | More Info + Applications due by Noon, Oct. 28th
Studenski Award
UG Only | up to $6,000 | Find clarity, Learn about yourself, explore possibilities for the future | More Info + Applications due by Noon, Oct. 28th
Hastrup Award
UG or G | up to $5,000 Solo or $6,000 Pairs | Explore your family background or another culture | More Info + Applications due by Noon, Oct. 28th
Union Station Homeless Dinner Service
Friday | October 11 | 5:00 to 9:00 PM | 412 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena |
Spaces Limited | Dinner Provided
Union Station Birthday Club & Dinner
Tuesday | October 15 | 4:45 to 9:00 PM | 825 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena |
Spaces Limited | Dinner Provided
DC Science Policy Trip
Dec. 15th to Dec. 19th | More Info + Applications Due by Oct. 24 | $650 (Round-Trip) | $425 (One-Way to DC) | $200 (No Transportation – meet in DC)
Pasadena LEARNs - Monthly Science Demos
Once a month | Friday | 3:00-5:00 PM
Rise Tutoring
Monday-Thursday | 4:30-6PM | 1 day/week commitment at Caltech, Online, or John Muir High School